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Burner systems, gas equipment, control stations and burners

Production and Services

Burner systems, gas equipment, control stations and burners


We are the world's leading supplier of burner systems for all industrial applications. We design burner systems for combustion of liquid and gaseous fuel for industrial furnaces and heaters. For these systems we apply not only the most modern burners of the world's leading manufacturers but in special cases also burners of our own design. We select burners considering the costs, actual energy consumption and efficiency.

Burner systems are designed in a comprehensive way including required piping, exhausts, instrumentation, measurement, regulation, and other necessary technological equipment (fans, chimneys, heat exchangers, etc.). An integral part of our delivery is a control system that applies the control algorithms we have developed to hardware devices according to the investor's requirements.

We design and supply industrial gas control stations based on our long-term experience and with respect to the applicable legislation and we guarantee the highest quality and reliability.

We manufacture, deliver, and refurbish industrial gas control stations of various capacities and gas pressure levels. In most cases, the production of industrial gas control stations is custom made. The individual stations are usually assembled according to our customer’s individual requirements, but always with emphasis on the compliance with applicable legislation.

Turnkey constructions of gas control stations are our domain. We will provide you with a comprehensive solution: from the initial design, through project documentation, production to the final testing, setup, and commissioning of the equipment at the customer.

We provide warranty and post-warranty service as well as the 24/7 availability of our technicians.

Technological equipment of control stations is designed in accordance with valid regulations and standards as single-row or even multi-row, with single and multi-stage pressure regulation. The equipment is furnished with fittings and components according to the customer's requirements and our recommendations regarding quality and reliability of components from leading world manufacturers. Based on request, the stations are fitted with remote control and data transmission equipment, or an automatic control system.

In addition to the complete supply of burner systems, gas equipment, control stations and burners, we also provide:

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